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It’s quite essential to exercise when you are pregnant for wellness of both mother and the baby. However, if you are one who would not like to sweat it out with your baby bumps then do try your hands on yoga. Relaxing both your body and mind. It does combine Pranayam, asanas and the relaxation techniques for achieving such a balance. When you are pregnant there are few parts of your body which hurts which you didn’t knew that it ever existed? Pains and weird aches do pop out of nowhere and your growing belly could make it finding comfortable position nearly impossible.

But, before moving ahead with the yoga classes do consult your doctor and she would be the best judge to advise you whether yoga is suitable for you or not. Once approved do find out the best yoga instructor to guide you how to perform yoga for better health.

Every one generally does feel sluggish during their pregnancy, but it doesn’t mean that you could not find energy reserves for tapping into. You can try the extended slide angle pose, when you are dragging. It just requires the strong legs and works to open up the hips- which is the much needed stretch in case if you are sitting on the desk the whole that you would feel that you are having more energy than you believed to have.

Even though pregnancy is the time of jubilation and celebrations, it is also the highly anxious duration and you may find yourself carrying around in between the too much of tension. You should try the modified version of pose for regaining your senses of balance. It is the all around good pose which works out for legs, energizes the hips, stretches the side body and do opens up the shoulders which have started for caving in the bit under pressure.

It is going to open up your pelvis and the side waist and do stretch the hips. The bellies get bigger its essential to find some space in your torso possible.

Is your back paining which is referred to as back labor due to which you feel uncomfortable?  Most of the women would be enduring back pains at some point of time at the pregnancy duration. But once you are gently rocking between the cat /cow poses would be providing warmth and stretching body, hopefully would be getting back on the track. They are also helpful in shifting the weight of the baby away from the spine, providing you with some relief.

For the first timers, it is recommended that they should go ahead with the standing positions as it would be helping in generating energy, enhancing circulation, strengthening the legs and can also reduce the leg cramps. Please ensure that you are not overstretching your abdomen.

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